The theory of Chern classes
Translator’s note
This page is a translation into English of the following:
Grothendieck, A. “La théorie des classes de Chern.” Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 86 (1958), 137–154. DOI: 10.24033/bsmf.1501
The translator (Tim Hosgood) takes full responsibility for any errors introduced, and claims no rights to any of the mathematical content herein.
Version: 94f6dce
In this appendix, we will develop an axiomatic theory of Chern classes that will allow us, in particular, to define the Chern classes of an algebraic vector bundle
It appears that a satisfying theory of Chern classes in algebraic geometry was given, for the first time, by W.L. Chow (unpublished), using the Grassmannian.
The main aim of the current paper has been to eliminate the Grassmannian from the theory.
I have already shown [4] how the theory of Chern classes allows us to recover the structure of
1 Notation
In order to not expose ourselves to the complications arising from intersection theory, we will limit ourselves in what follows to considering only non-singular topological spaces.
We fix, once and for all, a base field
With this, we can immediately verify that
2 The functor A(X)
In what follows, suppose that we have a category
Suppose further that we have the following data:
A contravariant functor
A homomorphism
For all
With this, we suppose that the following conditions are satisfied:
From these axioms we will prove two lemmas that will be useful in the next section.
Proof. By §1, we can restrict, by induction on
Proof. We will prove, by induction on
The following corollary will only be used in §3.
Under the conditions of Lemma 2, if, further,
The introduction of the operation
We note, first of all, that condition V1 is satisfied for all reasonable categories of algebraic spaces; it is satisfied, in particular, for the categories of arbitrary non-singular algebraic spaces, of non-singular quasi-projective algebraic spaces, and of non-singular projective algebraic spaces. The verification for the two latter cases presents no difficulty, and is left to the reader (the result being a particular case of a more general result concerning blown-up varieties).
We now given some particular cases where the conditions in this section are satisfied.
{\mathcal{V}} is the category of non-singular quasi-projective algebraic spaces, andA(X) is the ring of cycle classes onX under rational equivalence, with the usual definition off^* andf_* . Of course, we gradeA(X) by taking the class of a cycle onX that is everywhere of codimensionp to be of degree2p [so thatA(X) has only even degrees, as we would expect in a cohomological theory for a commutative graded ring]. The homomorphism\mathbf{P}(X)\to A^2(X) is an isomorphism, given by sending any rank-1 vector bundleL onX to the set of divisors of rational sections ofL that are not zero on any component ofX . For the theory of linear equivalence, including the verification of A1 to A4 (with only A1 not being immediate), see the exposés by Chevalley and Grothendieck in [4].The conditions that we demand are also satisfied if we take
A(X) to be the ring of cycle classes under algebraic equivalence, but, for a theory of Chern classes, we rather prefer to work with rational equivalence, which gives a finer theory.We cannot yet define a ring structure on the group
A(X) of cycle classes on an arbitrary (not necessarily quasi-projective) non-singular variety, nor, for a morphismf\colon X\to Y , a morphismf^*\colon A(Y)\to A(X) in such a way that the necessary conditions are satisfied. Further, it is not even certain that this might be possible. We can imagine replacing the ring of cycle classes (under rational equivalence) by the graded ring associated to the ringK(X) of classes of coherent algebraic sheaves onX , filtered in the natural way (by considering the dimension of the supports of the sheaves). Unfortunately, we would then have to prove that this filtration is compatible with the ring structure (and with the “inverse image” homomorphisms), which I only know how to do in the quasi-projective case, by using rational equivalence. However, it seems that these difficulties disappear when we tensor with the field of rationals\mathbb{Q} , i.e. if we ignore the phenomenons of torsion.
{\mathcal{V}} is the category of all non-singular algebraic spaces. IfX is such a variety, then we denote by\Omega_X^\bullet the sheaf of germs of regular differential forms onX , and byA(X) the cohomology group\operatorname{H}^\bullet(X,\Omega_X^\bullet) . We grade this group by taking\operatorname{H}^p(X,\Omega_X^q) to be of degreep+q , and we make this an algebra by means of the cup product. We thus obtain an anticommutative graded algebra, which is clearly a contravariant functor with respect toX . By following the formalism developed by Grothendieck in [3], we define in a natural way the homomorphismi_*\colon A(Y)\to A(X) associated to an injectioni\colon Y\to X (and it is probably possible to definei_* for every proper morphismi\colon Y\to X ).1 Finally, we define a morphism\mathbf{P}(X)\to\operatorname{H}^1(X,\Omega_X^1)\subset A^2(X) in a classical way, by writing, for example,\mathbf{P}(X)=\operatorname{H}^1(X,{\mathscr{O}}_X^\times) (where{\mathscr{O}}_X^\times denotes the sheaf of germs of invertible regular functions onX ), and by considering the homomorphismf\mapsto\mathrm{d}f/f from{\mathscr{O}}_X^\times to\Omega_X^1 . We can again easily verify that conditions A1 to A4 are satisfied, with A1 being a consequence of the Leray spectral sequence of the continuous map\mathbb{P}(E)\to X [the spectral sequence being trivial, as follows from considering from the class\xi_E on\mathbb{P}(E) .]The base field
k is the field of complex numbers,{\mathcal{V}} is the category of non-singular algebraic spaces, andA(X)=\operatorname{H}^\bullet(X,\mathbb{Z}) (withX being endowed with its “usual” topology). The definition of b. (either by Poincaré duality on divisor classes, or as an obstruction class in the classical exact sequence0\to\mathbb{Z}\to{\mathscr{O}}_X\to{\mathscr{O}}_X^\times\to0 of sheaves onX , endowed with its usual topology) is well known. The definition of c. classically comes from Poincaré duality, and properties A1 to A4 are well known (with A1 again following from the Leray spectral sequence).
3 Definition and fundamental properties of Chern classes
Suppose that we have the data of a., b., and c. from the previous section, satisfying axioms A1 to A4. Then the Chern classes (defined by (1)) satisfy the following conditions:
Functoriality. — Let
f\colon X\to Y be a morphism in{\mathcal{V}} , and letE be a vector bundle onY . Thenc(f^{-1}(E)) = f^*(c(E)) \tag{3} [wheref^{-1}(E) denotes the vector bundle onX given by the inverse image ofE underf ].Normalisation. — If
E is a rank-1 vector bundle onX\in{\mathcal{V}} , thenc(E) = 1+p_X(\operatorname{cl}_X(E)). \tag{4} Additivity. — Let
X\in{\mathcal{V}} , and let0\to E'\to E\to E''\to 0 be an exact sequence of vector bundles onX . Thenc(E) = c(E')c(E''). \tag{5}
Furthermore, properties i., ii., and iii. entirely characterise Chern classes.
Proof. We first prove the uniqueness of a theory of Chern classes satisfying properties i., ii., and iii.
Proof of i. —
Proof of ii. —
Suppose that
Proof of iii. —
With the set-up of i., let
So let
Proof of Theorem 1. —
So we are under the conditions of the corollary to Lemma 2, which implies that
This finishes the proof of Theorem 1.
Proof. Passing to a flag variety, as per usual, we can reduce to the case where
4 Remarks and various addenda
In all the above, we have only needed to work with elements of even degree in
We can also define (non-additive!) maps
In fact, the
It is the detailed study of
That said, we now return to the commutative graded rings
We can thus also say that the completed Chern class
Application to the Chow ring. —
Using this, and Proposition 8 of the previous article by Borel–Serre3, we find that if
[The first case in (16) simply says that
The equations in (15) indeed show that
The above shows that, to prove intersection formulas in
5 The zero cycles of a regular section of a vector bundle
In this section, we assume that the category
For all
Furthermore, we assume that the following axiom is verified:
With the above notation, if
Proof. Let
So let
From this, we will deduce
Proof. Consider
Equation (18) then follows from (17), since
In fact, the above proof proves the following formula, which holds for every regular section
Suppose that we are in the setting of Chow theory (
Equation (17) holds true even if we replace the zero section
(Note added during editing). This homomorphism
i_* is now defined in full generality.↩︎[Trans.] This is referring to Borel, A; Serre, J.-P. “Le théorème de Riemann–Roch.” Bull. Soc. Math. France 86 (1958), 97–136.↩︎
[Trans.] This is once again referring to paper by Borel and Serre mentioned in the previous translator footnote.↩︎
[Trans.] This is once again referring to paper by Borel and Serre mentioned in the previous translator footnotes.↩︎